Thursday, February 28, 2008


The war on terrorism is a complicated and opinionated subject to discuss. Afghanistan, the initial location of the war on terrorism, is a place many people are confounded as to why there are troops stationed there. September 11, 2001 is a date the world will never forget. It was a day of great horror and dismay. The Twin Towers were attacked by the Taliban, an Arab terrorist organization. The United States government felt it was appropriate to counter-attack the terrorist strike. Now, this seems like a just cause as so many innocent civilian lives were taken on 9/11. However is it any better for the American forces to bomb Baghdad and kill innocent Afghan civilians? I think not. If the U.S. continues to station troops in Afghanistan it should solely be for the purpose of diminishing the Taliban and Alqaida organizations.

Story Alternate Ending

Linda kissed him with her whole life backing up the moment. She finally knew she didn't have to look for love, but love would find her. Michael felt the electricity of the perfect match take him to his utopia, his nirvana. Linda's intended marriage in one week was not even a part of her life, it never seemed to be scheduled or even exist. Gregg was now a faded insignificant memory who played little to no role in her life. Linda's entire future was being summed up into one kiss, a kiss of eternal happiness.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bloggin' away

Blogging is an activity that is personal, and therefore the blogger should have the choice of the topic of discussion. However there are limited topics that can be related together and at the same time be talked about in different areas of a selected subject. What I am leading to is sports. Every sport is related in some sort of athletic way, whether its curling or football they all have a competitive connection. Everyone can find a sport that they enjoy, and find there is always something to talk about after an event. Sport is a very exciting and thrilling activity that gets everyone's heart thumping a little harder when it comes down to the last minute of a tied game. Emotions are flared right left and center. They range from sad, to happy and complete and utter devastation. Sports reports would be a very interesting and easy subject to write upon. The level of interest and excitement would be through the roof, and there are consistently new events to talk about everyday. Completion marks should be awarded to the bloggers. I believe creativity is a very important factor to writing and people should rewarded for this.

Monday, February 11, 2008


There is one superpower, and only one superpower, that gives one the ability to have all superpowers. This indeed is morphing. Morphing can lead to anything. Want to fly? Turn into a bird. How about flying faster? Try morphing into a jet, or a missile, or a bullet! It would be so fun. This power would give me the availibility to everything. Anyone who tries to out superpower me will lose, inevidibly. My superpower dominates the opposition. Nothing and no one can negate my superpower. For I can turn into anything, this includes anyone with any super power. I am the best super hero alive, I am superfabulucious.